lirik lagu scatbutcher - as the diarrhoea drips
baby scr-t-m skewered like a pig on a spit
decapitate ya p-n-s make you eat our f-ckin sh-t
drain the blood from ya -n-s nail ya f-cking cl-ts
well eat the rotting fleash as the diarrhoea dirps
im cutting off ya b-lls , and wringing out the s-m-n on ya bleeding -ss cheeks
ya slit by my razor as the lips start dripping blood
ill carve a smily face into your pale blue -n-s
but the only blood thats running now , is dripping from my p-n-s
my climaxing emanates the stench of you dying pain
lubricate my blue vein ,with ya sh-t stains
the minced meat -ss cracks ,dripping goat s-m-n on scalped and decapitated rotten f-nny love doll
tw-t juices mix the bleeding -ss pulp
keeping my erection,in a perpetual state of perfection
administer your colon cosmetic correction
suck the diarrhoea when i got a scalpel at your throat
ya f-cking bunch of p-n-s munching b-tches
ill leave ya -ss for dead, with a bl–dy hole in ya f-cking head
castrate all you soft winging w-nkers scr-t-s
leave a trail of blood leading back to the dunny can
with ya head half flushed and ya mouth full of terds
ill penetrate ya skull with my drill
and drink ya brains in my urine
cut ya eyes out and fill
the empty sockets with my hot p-ss n s-m-n
tears of sperm dripping down ya broken face
decapitate ya p-n-s
violation of the dawn of sacrificial -ss burgers
in the severed p-n-s furnace
rape ya broken skull with dogs d-cks spewen up
vomit runs down ya hairy p-ssy lips
ill suck the worms out ya tight f-nny
make ya eat your last supper from the r-ct-m of your granny
baby scr-t-m skewered like a pig on a spit
decapitate ya p-n-s make you eat our f-ckin sh-t
drain the blood from ya -n-s nail ya f-cking cl-ts
well eat the rotting fleash as the diarrhoea dirps
my oriface is oozin septic juice ,im fingering the siphilitic c-ck til the urethra is loose ,stick the needles in ya testies then inject the s-m-n , in my bleeding gash , l1ck the p-ss from my -ss rash , as i take a slash ,im drunk on your blood , and i like to feast on trout ,make you l1ck the maggots froma dying dingoes b-tt , when ya c-ck starts spewen then i know its time to cut ,im always in the mood for k!lling, when im making sm-t ,i dream of cutting genitals ,ive got it on my mind , ill spray my p-ssy acids in ya eyes and make you blind,ill break ya f-cking spine,pouring out ya -ss crack its poo time, its a feast fit for a swine , butcherin ya c-ck i snort ya gizzards thru ya d-ck ,so when im high im floating on a pile of bl–dy sists ,ill rape ya corpse and baby with a barbed wire fist,it gives me a violent c-ck stabbing ball bashing hit,ya puny d-ck has got warts , and im gonna eatem then , ya sticnky festy -ss cracks starts bleeding ,im a sl-t ill f-ck maggots drippin off ya cut m-ff ,its the taste of fetus brains that makes me f-ckin tuff ,im a sorceres of gore im bleeding minced meat galore pumping out ya gaping pores ,cut ya p-n-s with a saw imn a fecal f-cking wh0r- ,fist f-ckn ring worms up my f-nny flaps , while ya d-cks are getting melted on the burning cow pats
baby scr-t-m skewered like a pig on a spit
decapitate ya p-n-s make you eat our f-ckin sh-t
drain the blood from ya -n-s nail ya f-cking cl-ts
well eat the rotting fleash as the diarrhoea dirps
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