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lirik lagu grand commander - bear factory


i grew up in a quiet town
down the street, and around the corner
from the bear factory
babies come from birds and bees
birds come from the sky
bees come from the trees
and bears?
bears come from the bear factory
(bear factory)
as a young lad
i’d walk by the factory
but i wasn’t tall enough to sneak a peek
the windows were too high
there was nothing to stand on
no boulders, no boxes
my parents would say
“run along, now”

as i continued to grow
the thought of the bears
and the neighborhood factory faded
i thought about my future
as a major league baseball player

birds come from the sky, and bees come from the trees
makes perfect sense to me
(makes perfect sense to me)
i never stopped believing
and when i signed my name on the dotted line
it didn’t feel like a dream
as i walked onto the field for my first game
i knew how real it was
starting third baseman for the new york yankees

i walked up to the plate
my wooden bat gaining power from the sunlight
i tapped it on my right cleat
and i tapped it on my left cleat
as the ball left the pitchers hand
it felt like slow motion
it felt like destiny
the sound of a ball hitting the bat is most special
when it’s not a surprise
and it wasn’t
i took off for first, headed towards second
rounded the base
my eyes locked on third

peripheral vision showed the poor fool picking up the ball in vain
a p~wn in the grand scheme
of my victory
the pace accelerated
locked in on third
oh, man…
that was all it took
i woke up in the er
“knees busted kid
a d~mn shame, really
now get some sleep
your flight leaves tonight”

stepping out of the cab
the smell of my hometown hadn’t changed
though home looks different on a set of crutches
i can’t sleep now

i turn and face the street
i look to my right
and there it is
the baseball field
where the dreams of my youth
were turned into reality
and everything made sense
i turned right as a child
and i’m right back where i started

i look left
something beckons me
i limp along
my steps uncertain
my gait is rough
the crutches unsteady
i walk down the street
turn the corner
and once again i see it
the singular, mysterious
bear factory
i’d been tall enough to see inside for years
though my attention had drifted to the dirt diamond
i slowly approached the window
cupped my hands around my eyes
and peered inside
and much to my surprise, the factory was nearly empty

something broke inside me
the years of discipline and belief
undone in a single play

i picked up my crutch high into the air
and smashed the window of the bear factory
with my crutch i scr~ped the glass off the frame
heaved my crutches through the broken window
and willed my body inside

birds come from the sky
bees come from the trees
and now, i’m inside
the bear factory

each footstep had an echo
there were no machines
the air was fresh and clean, the ceiling made of glass
moonlight lit the scene

in the middle of the factory
stood four ancient chinese folding screens
i approached the screens and from within could hear a faint whirring
as if something was stirring

each screen was touching the next
perfectly flush, arranged in exactly 90 degrees
my heart skipped a beat as i made sp~ce between the screens
i stepped inside the cordoned off area and closed the screen behind me
in the center of the square lies a hole in the ground
lit from below
and a ladder leading

i took one crutch and dropped it down the hole
took the 2nd crutch and dropped it down the hole
and then sat at the edge
and eased my broken leg
into the dimly lit darkness
with one good leg
and two strong arms
awkwardly hopped down

as my head descended below the surface
the entire world changed
gone was the fear of hope and freedom
gone was the reckless ambition
gone was the need to prove myself
gone was the need for recognition
gone was the hope for a better life
gone were the days of casting stones
gone were the endless interruptions
of radios and telephones
(i’m alive)

inside the land of mystery
i hopped down to the bottom
my good foot landing with a heavy blow
directions made no difference here
so i chose a path and hobbled on
my broken leg began to throb
and i took one last look at the ladder
thinking about everything that had gone wrong

maybe my leg would heal
maybe it wasn’t as bad as the doctor said
maybe i could return to the dirt diamond
and stake my claim as the greatest that ever was

my mind tried to barricade my heart
the roots of normalcy began to spread
deeply ingrained ambition
once again reared its ugly head

as fear tried to grow in the field of my sorrow
i heard a roar
shook the walls of the tunnel
and rattled the ladder
to h~ll with the world

i marched on toward the sound
with vigor and grit
the wooden crutches splintering from the furious pace
the pain in the leg a distant memory

a soft light shone in the distance
the tunnel’s path leading to what seemed like an open sp~ce
just a few more steps into the opening
and i had arrived in the heart
of the bear factory

imagine a volcano
like the kind you’d make in science class
a hundred feet wide, and two hundred feet tall
now hollow it out in the middle
and place yourself inside
this is the heart
of the bear factory

in the heart of the bear factory stood
the giant one
the behemoth
a bear so big it made the biggest bear you’ve ever seen
seem small
(did you just imagine a bigger bear?
that one is small, too
this bear was huge)

the bear looked at me
and i looked at him
sitting in front of another hole
with another ladder
leading below the surface to his personal bear factory
he was not currently exploring his personal mystery
maybe his mystery was already solved
maybe it wasn’t a mystery to him at all

no matter
his hole, and his ladder
a story for another day

i walked up to the bear and tilted my head back
as far as it would go
he lowered his head
to meet my gaze
and with his eyebrows raised
he said “h~llo”

i asked
“are you the one that made the deafening bellow?”

he looked around and replied
“do you see any other giant bears?”

i was shocked by his demeanor
though his point was well taken
i said
“there could be any number of tunnels
leading into any number of chambers
just because i don’t see any more giant bears
doesn’t mean they don’t exist
and how would i know where to look?
i don’t have a blueprint!”

he made that face when the side of your lips go down
kind of like an opposite smile
the face you make when someone has made a really good point
because i did make a good point…
and he handed me a blueprint

bear paws should not be able to easily handle paper
he had no problem handling the paper
he pinched the paper between his bear claws
i asked
“aren’t you afraid of getting a papercut?”

he motioned near me
and extended his bear leg
and i stood at the meeting point
between two giant bear claws

i pulled them apart, looked for where they met the skin
and with my hands followed the skin
until they touched some sort of hard metallic material

i smiled, and looked up at the bear
he was sharp

i perused the blueprint
and sure enough, the bear factory was actually a front
an entry point
presumably one of many
to a giant interconnected world of caverns
each one hosting a giant bear

he looked at me and said what i knew already
“the factory doesn’t make the bear
the bear makes the factory”
(bear factory)
(bear factory)

he didn’t come from the factory
the factory came from him
i chose to not look through the window once i was tall enough to see
i actually made what i thought made me
the weight was lifted with the timely grace of a monumental epiphany
birds come from the sky
bees come from the trees
we create our lives, and bears create the factories

the bear attempted to give me five, and i had to dive out of the way
of a man~sized bear claw that nearly chopped me in half
the bear felt embarrassed, and he chuckled shyly
i put both hands up, as if to let him know
“it’s okay, you just wanted to offer congratulations”
(oh, i accept your offer)

i made my way back to the ladder
and heard one more thunderous bellow
this time it wasn’t a mystery
i rode the force of the bellow up the ladder
and made my way outside through the broken window

and with a soft smile perched behind my lips
walked on and headed home

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