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lirik lagu ghostwolf - race to berlin


britain, canada, the u.s., now push through the west
meanwhile the russians get set to launch a new offensive
operation borgration their summer offensive
would begin the 22nd of june so relentless
with an artillery barrage on the german defenses
a m-ssive one on a scale exploding the senses
weakening the german line so they could break through
at full speed taking back what was taken so cruel
vitebsk and orsha are their first objectives
they would set up to encircle viciously effective
1st baltic from the north attacked struck hard
3rd belorussian from the south won’t let the germans get far
the 53rd core was trapped 30, 000 men wiped out
orsha taken the 26th vitebsk the next day wow
berezina river reached on june 29th
the russians thrust at full speed taking the fight

meanwhile at normandy britain and canada make way
through the hedgerow of france to caen they take
unseen fire from the pockets of dense vegetation
the horrors of battle realized again no faking
the u.s. headed south towards cherbourg
both cities fortified and defended by the germans so
both would be critical to the invasion through france
most german troops sent to caen to stop the advance
cherbourg a fortified port that must be seized
but germany wont surrender their dug in it seems
they launched a fierce attack resistance was tough
eventually the americans cleared out the city so rough
pillbox by pillbox close quarters they fought
the naval ships destroyed key positions ensuring german loss

the wars winding down the germans can’t defend
an advance on two fronts no they can’t pretend
race to berlin
race to berlin

back in russia boburysk and mogilev under fire
the russians keep advancing breaking through the german line
9th army attacking the flanks of german army group center
suffered many casualties at first then air raids h-t center
giving the russians the advantage making them retreat
35th core and 41st panzer were trapped and beat
to endure bombs from the sky they could not fall back
parts of 9th army would escape but all in vein not in tact
70, 000 soldiers were killed or taken prisoner shame
the gears of war keep churning its an endless game
while all this was going on 2nd belorussian had pushed
two of the germans strongest units to cross the dnepr hushed
their fight falling silent as the hastily fall
back heading towards a trap to be destroyed and stalled
the russians employ blitzkrieg to save their home
giving the germans yes indeed a taste of their own

the approaches to caen populated by dense
hedgerow country the fighting here would be tense
every step that you take contested by whizzing bullets
coming from an unknown source in the distance elusive
germans manning gun turrets hidden tanks lay and wait
to attack the british canadians as they take
each step but their determined so they fight on someway
making their way to caen where the main forces await
germany diverted troops to defend this place
a key strategical point they wont give up no way
so row after row of vegetation is p-ssed
bringing the allies closer and close to the city at last
the sounds of war echo now in the distance ahead
this war can only be won by taking on lots of dead
close quarters combat in the hedgerow to give way
to relentless combat in caen up ahead

the wars winding down the germans can’t defend
an advance on two fronts no they can’t pretend
race to berlin
race to berlin

the red army has minsk in their sites to now liberate
they crossed berezina river in pursuit of the germans no wait
tanks and men flooded into the approaches at minsk
civilians start to scramble in chaos in the streets
on the 3rd of july fighting in the city broke out
2nd guard tank core opened up fire no doubt
they eventually had the city cleared of german rear guard
on the next day 5th guard and 65th closed the west pincer hard
trapping all of 4th army and parts of 9th
the germans lost 300, 000 men seemingly overnight
in polotsk 1st baltic was in hot pursuit
of the fading 3rd army who could not get through
they tried to defend their spot with rear guard no avail of course
polotsk was cleared of german troops on july 4th
german resistance was collapsing all throughout the front
so the russians push on past their main objectives

in caen the fighting was contested and fierce
the germans sent armored reserves to bolster defenses its clear
the importance of this battle two water fronts
orne river caen cannel they must obtain at once
the battle in the city raged on every street
bullets h-tting off walls broken gl-ss at their feet
air raids were essential to weaken the german front
tanks crunching through the streets damage will be done
the city being turned to ruins every explosion just trust
innocents is falling victim it’s tough
explosion after explosion the advantage finally gained
the germans running out resources cannot win the game
america breaks through the south so the danger is real
they must fall back or be encircled in peril
caen was eventually captured a key victory
the u.s. now reaches saint lo to seize history

the heights of saint lo must be gained so quick
scaling up the mountain the americans at risk
but they succeeded to eventually gain the hill
an air raid was scheduled but delayed though it still
inflicts lots of damage when they finally bombarded
the german positions on the road far below
deaths by friendly fire plagued the american troops
the planes weren’t precise so the bombs fell loose
operation cobra would lead to the breakout
of saint lo by america relentlessly now
driving deeper into france towards the city of paris
the western front closing in the german plight apparent

the west closes in the germans fall back more
there seems no advance they can hold up no
hitler in panic more delusional
this fight is now hopeless no matter if they know

soviets reach mjdanek an appalling camp
the first death camp liberated no understands
just the full scale of horror that has been unleashed
the russian troops vow vengeance in the light of this
the brest offensive would commence with plans to destroy
army group north of the germans in retreat so cold
this is a retreat on a m-ssive scale
the summers now winding down they must give them h-ll
the brest offensive is launched german power is fading
thousands of men killed or taken prisoner facing
the worst of the worst the german war machine stalled
despite counter attacks they’ve now reached a wall

the east relentlessly causes disaster slow
at first but speeding up with every town taken so
both sides closing in on berlin you know
the war is winding down so here we go

august 1st 1944 the polish army rise up
in warsaw against the n-z-s their oppression’s been rough
that same day the u.s. troops reach arovanches france
another step on their way to paris seizing every chance
germans launch a major attack to try to repel them their
but they could not stem the tide poised to drown them well
august 15th the allies invade southern france
another attempt to trap the germans who don’t stand a chance
resistance in paris begins as the soviets reach the balkans
romania is where they move they proceed no caution
the dominos keep falling on all sides against the n-z-s
august 20th they are encircled in the falaise pocket
5 days later paris is in the throes of liberation
no remorse for the german soldiers who were there in occupation
they must be crazy if they thought any different
soldiers murdered in the streets revenge is the sentence

slovaks rise up soviet units take bucharest
september 1st saw a series of cities liberated there’s no rest
verdun, dieppe, artois, rouen
abbiville, antwurp, brussels lead to german ruin
no matter how hard they fight their resources fail them
and being pinched from both sides isn’t really helping
september 4th finland agrees to cease fire
pro-n-z- governments are falling all across europe’s wire
the russians gain ground then america gains ground
a race between the two capture berlin bring it down
september 13th u.s. troops enter west germany
operation market garden would commence shortly
the allies air -ssault on holland
this war keeps on destroying everywhere it spans
soviets take estonia the walls are now closing in my friend
on the thousand year reich about 6 years in

december 16th the battle of the bulge began
a last major offensive launched by germany
took the allies by surprise inflicting lots of loss
the most casualties than any other battle would cost
the germans moved troops by night reduced radio contact
the offensive would be launched through the ardennes fast
december 16th small operations forth
to stop allied transport from the harbor of antwerp
they attacked with intent to spilt america and britain
so they could encircle destroy and gain
back the advantage force an allied peace treaty
so they could focus on the east exclusively

using the ominous weather they proceeded to strike
the allied planes grounded due to no line of sight
but they soon ran into a wall at elsenborn ridge
and bastogne slowing down what this is
an attempt to gain back the initiative
they failed to capture key junctions so their losing it
hampered by tough terrain that favored defense
allowed the allies’ time to regroup so fierce
allied air support began to pound on the german ranks
dooming the offensive they can’t even think
lots of casualties inflicted on both sides for sure
now the germans retreat to the siegfried line cursed

the soviets besiege budapest
december 27th keep closing in causing stress
just 20 days later they capture warsaw
the red army closing in on germanys walls
keep marching marching but darkness appears
when they discover auschwitz now its clear
the evil of this regime their all determined to stop
tanks full steam ahead to kill the one who’s the cause

the of dresden is destroyed in a fire storm
incendiary bombs dropped by the allies swarm
just rubble and bodies left once the light reappears
the german people suffering it’s their fuhrers will
he ordered from his bunker all infrastructure destroyed
old and children must fight for germany defend
meanwhile he retreats to his bunker near end
while ss troops kill deserters on the streets of berlin

the red army closes in soviet hammer and sickle
enter the german frontier full speed a crescendo
calamity at best the german people fight hard
the panzer faust their main weapon against the soviet star
meanwhile america just lost its leader
roosevelt died before the end of this theater
their closing in on nuremburg the n-z- holy city
taking down n-z- symbols as they march no pity

april 16th the russians launch their final push
to berlin through the country side ready to crush
remorselessly anyone who dared stand in their way
machine guns riddled the country side as germany breaks
5 days later after rolling through sp-rs- defense
old men and children were the main defense against them
the russians reach berlin streets the city in disarray
closing in on the fuhrers bunker victory is theirs to take

the war is now winding down after so many years
mussolini captured tryna flee then executed right there
the italian frustration with the whole war
they celebrated in the streets hanging his body so cold
the u.s. reached dachau on april 29th
shocked and appalled at what they found walking corpses alive
they made the towns people parade in front of mounds of bodies
and ss guard bury the dead who weren’t the least bit sorry

hitler in his last days grew more delusional
yelling at his high command they must keep on fighting more
he married ava braun then locked them both away
bang he was dead the end of his reign
bang ends the terror bang ends all the pain
goebbels and his wife poison their kids no shame
then commit suicide taking the easy way out
denying the entire world of justice fading out

may 2nd the russians finally storm the reichstag
victory, victory then they fly their flag
the germans finally surrender now that hitler’s dead
on may 7th the war in europe end to what effect
millions and millions of people killed a selfish conquest
cities across the continent lay in ruins at best
n-z- germany defeated the russians won the race
to berlin but world war 2 will not rest

j-pan wont surrender the pacific still burns
an epic fight will commence for peace

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