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lirik lagu damag3 - rag3 (pt.1)


[skit: damag3 & voice, both]
good yuh
yo yo
what’s up
you see that tiktok’s going crazy?
nah how many views
just hit 4k
what, yo it’s only been an hour
check the comments people are f~cking with this
because it’s f~cking heat
ha ha lets go man, whooo
i’m just so mad
nahh i get it i get it
i gotta say this feels good like
i feel you i feel you
i haven’t really been opening up like that
the fact that we can do it and make it go crazy like
that it just~ i feel like we’re onto something great
definitely are and on my mind i’m just wondering how
far we can push it
what you mean my boy
i’m just wondering how hard we can go with this trans
thing i mean it’s doing great but we can go farther
i mean its not a thing it’s like who i am
oh yeah no i didn’t mеan it like that i didn’t mean it like that
what do you mеan then
i just mean they need an anthem
like what you did with what happ3n3d
you got that turf on a shirt line
you know what i’m talking about?
it gave them something to chant exactly!
and then you did doubl3 tak3 and you gave them a
mega dose of confidence, but like what’s next?
you know?
i mean, i guess the~ the only thing from there is like i don’t know
inspiring action maybe because like there’s so much
there’s so, so much f~ck sh~t going on in the country like against trans people
but i’m not trying to be overly political like that, you know
because i~ look i got my opinions
but isn’t it like corny as f~ck when rappers do that sh~t?
it’s corny if it’s like bullsh~t or performative
okay, facts man
but like when it comes from a real place with real passion
it’s going to resonate with people
you’re right, actually uhm
i mean, look, if i did that, it would need to be all out
like beat got to be crazy
bars need to go crazy
and i might need like a powerful ass feature on it like
i don’t know if i can do that by myself
don’t look at me that’s not my strong suit
okay but here you are suggesting the idea
actually you know who would be perfect
hold up wait~
~wait look at how many views it’s gotten now
oh sh~t
ha ha ha ha ha
and there it is, you finally got noticed by travy knockoff
you gotta be kidding
[skit: travis, damag3, & voice]
hey guys, it’s travis knox your right~hand
man in the quest to return america to her former glory
i hate his face so f~cking much it is like my top goal
as an artist to punch him in the f~cking face
now the newest nonsense from the nasty nasty left is
hold on to your maga hats, trans rap!?!?!
that’s right, you heard me correctly
although it’s far from my favorite type of music, it is by far
the most popular genre worldwide and has been for the
last decade or more
so naturally, the left wants to make it woke and turn it
into yet another entry point for their relentless indoctrination
it seems none of our media is safe, from movies to
sports and now music
what f~ckin moron is~
the left just won’t let us keep anything
and they’re h~ll~bent on one drag queen in particular
damag3, spelled with a 3 because, cool, we can’t
just spell words normally anymore
i guess between plural pr~nouns turning singular and
swapping letters for numbers
the english language we all speak is far from safe
who knows what we’ll sound like by the next decade at this rate
what a meat muncher
now, listen again, i don’t like rap very much
i think it’s very ugly music not made or listened to by
respectable people by any means
however, we’ve already seen these pedophilic g~ys like lil nas x cross into pop and country charts
so that is where the real threat lies, ladies and gentlemen
how long will it be before you have a tranny with a grammy?
is he so f~cking real?
ha ha ha ha ha well, at least you know that the streams
are gonna spike tonight, like, that’s a fact
oh, f~ck yeah they are, that little d~ckhole just helps me
so much, does he even realize that
these f~cking conservatives, they have their heads jammed
so far up their f~cking it’s insane yo show me the comments
well a lot of talking sh~t
ehh typical
yeah they probably didn’t listen
oh of course not but all the leftists who watch his sh~t
to make fun of it are about to go listen
that’s what got me so f~cking fired up
you know what i think you’re right
hmm? i know
i think i need to make something powerful
something big
that’s what i’m saying and i got the perfect guy for you
just trust me

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