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lirik lagu bitfinity (matthew taranto) - pokémaniacs


[professor oak]
ash, have you been studying your pokédex?

[ash ketchum (pikachu)]
you bet, professor! (pika!)

[professor oak]
then can you recite every pokémon from the kanto region in a rhyming song set to the mexican hat dance?

[ash ketchum]
sure can! but, uh… you go first

[professor oak, sung (ash ketchum)]
ponyta, abra, rattata, kadabra, kakuna and tangela too
dodrio, dugtrio, doduo, ditto, pinsir, pidgeot, pikachu (gosh!)
jigglypuff, magnemite, wigglytuff, dragonite, gloom, omanyte, hitmonlee
drowsee, clefairy, horsea, mankey, and vileplume, caterpie, b~tterfree

exeggutor and kingler and sh~llder and graveler, dragonair, bellsprout and zapdos
cloyster and haunter and grimer and scyther, snorlax, rhyh~rn, gyarados (i likе this)

what do you see in there?
oh, it’s thе twerps…

and they got a pikachu with them!

[professor oak, sung (ash ketchum)]
victreebel, weedle, seel, weepinbell, beedrill, and golduck, arbok, arcanine (uh~huh)
charmander, metapod, marowak, meowth, machamp, magikarp, mr. mime (golly)
charizard, ivysaur, magmar and omastar, chansey, golem, polwhirl (yeah!)
krabby and blastoise and nidoran boy, clefable, nidoran girl…

nidorino and seadra, cubone, nidorina and slowbro, wartortle, slowpoke (gadzooks!)
zubat and golbat and weezing, venonat, parasect, lapras, machoke

[pokerap tv singer]
l!ckitung, exeggcute, persian, koffing
poliwrath, growlithe, seaking, nidoking
ekans, squirtle, tauros, hypno
poliwag, geodude, venomoth, missingno.!

[ash ketchum]
gosh, professor. you sure do know how to sing pokémon names!
don’t forget dewgoooong!
[professor oak]
that’s my 84th favorite!

[professor oak, sung (ash ketchum)]
gastly and gengar, bulbasaur, venusaur, kanghaskan and kabutops (jeepers!)
jolton and flareon, rhydon, vaporeon, porygon, dewgong, machop (yeahhh, dewgonnng!)
rapidash, tentacool, sandslash and tentacruel, ninetales, farfetch’d, nidoqueen (by jove!)
spearow, charmeleon, fearow and magneton, vulpix, voltorb and goldeen

articuno, electabuzz, paras, kabuto, jynx and after hitmonchan (yeah)
eevee, onix, oddish and diglett, electrode and alakazam (aww)
raichu and psyduck, staryu and muk, sandshrew and we’re almost through (take it home…)
moltres, aeorodactyl, primeape, pidgeotto and pidgey and starmie, dratini, and raticate, mewtwo and mew!

Lirik lagu lainnya:

