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lirik lagu aremaich - change is constant evermore


[verse 1]
change is constant evermore, a rhythm to the heart’s core
a steady drumbeat, an endless shore, where waves of life forever roar
seasons shift, leaves transform, from green to gold, then brown to storm
a cycle’s dance, a cosmic norm, a universe in constant form
we’re grains of sand, adrift in time, caught in a cosmic, grand design
moments fl!cker, like fireflies at night, vanishing without a trace, out of sight
memories fade, like morning mist, leaving echoes of what once existed
yearning for the past, a futile twist, as life’s relentless forward march persists
we crave stability, a solid ground, but existence is a shifting mound
growth demands change, a bitter pound, to break us down, to make us sound
fear of the unknown, a paralyzing chain, holding us captive to what remains
but courage is the key, to break the strain, to embrace the new, and rise again
children laugh, with carefree glee, unaware of life’s complexity
youthful dreams, wild and free, chasing passions with intensity
but time marches on, and reality’s sting, tempers the spirit, a sobering thing
responsibilities grow, like vines that cling, shaping our lives, defining our being
love, a force of nature, wild and deep, can heal the soul, and mend the steep
heartbreak’s sorrow, a mournful seep, but resilience can help us reap

success is fleeting, like morning dew, vanishing with the rising view
failure’s lessons, a perspective new, shaping character, strong and true
striving for balance, a delicate art, between ambition and the heart
material gains, a fleeting start, to lasting peace, a world apart
society’s pressures, a constant strain, conformities’ grip, a mental chain
individuality, a rare domain, to stand alone, and feel the pain
[verse 2]
change is constant evermore, a ticking clock, a restless shore
shifting sands, a turning tide, where yesterday’s dreams collide
with tomorrow’s dawn, a hazy hue, a canvas yet to view
we’re brushstrokes in this grand design, a fleeting moment, a cosmic sign
born into motion, a cosmic dance, a universe in circumstance
we chase shadows, grasping air, caught in the undertow of care
a fragile vessel, tossed and turned, by life’s lessons, deeply burned
seasons change, leaves turn to gold, stories written, yet untold
we’re chapters in a book of time, a fleeting blink, a subtle chime
the world revolves, we spin along, caught in the rhythm of this song
a melody of highs and lows, a symphony of joy and woes
we search for meaning, a purpose clear, a guiding light to calm the fear
growth is painful, like a sh~ll we break, to find our soul awake
we’re creatures of habit, creatures of change, forever trapped in this strange
paradox of existence, a duality of mind and heart, a work of art
the human spirit, a resilient force, weathering life’s tempestuous course
we’re survivors, fighters, dreamers bold, our stories yet to be told
in this tapestry of life’s design, we find our place, our unique line
a thread woven into the grand scheme, a fleeting moment, a distant dream
so let us embrace the unknown, with open hearts and minds aglow
for in the midst of change, we find our strength, our spirit’s overflow

success is fleeting, like morning dew, vanishing with the rising view
failure’s lessons, a perspective new, shaping character, strong and true
striving for balance, a delicate art, between ambition and the heart
material gains, a fleeting start, to lasting peace, a world apart
society’s pressures, a constant strain, conformities’ grip, a mental chain
individuality, a rare domain, to stand alone, and feel the pain
[verse 3]
change is constant, evermore a hum
an undercurrent, silent, ever~drumming
seasons shift, leaves fall, then buds bloom
life’s a cycle, endless, a cosmic room
we’re stardust, particles of yesterday’s dream
chasing shadows, caught in a fleeting gleam
faces change, hearts harden, souls convene
a tapestry woven, threads unseen
born into motion, a planet in flight
carried by currents, lost in the night
yearning for stillness, a tranquil light
but the world keeps turning, day and night
we cling to moments, like sand through our hands
memories fl!cker, like dying brands
we search for meaning, in distant lands
yet find it within, in heart and in strands
from childhood innocence to adult’s strife
navigating challenges, claiming our life
learning and growing, shedding our skin
facing the unknown, where shadows begin
friends become strangers, lovers depart
leaving imprints, on mind and on heart
the only constant, is life’s work of art
a masterpiece painted, from the very start
we crave stability, a solid ground
but the earth beneath us, keeps turning around
we chase perfection, a mythical sound
but growth resides in flaws, profoundly profound
we fear the future, a daunting unknown
success is fleeting, like morning dew, vanishing with the rising view
failure’s lessons, a perspective new, shaping character, strong and true
striving for balance, a delicate art, between ambition and the heart
material gains, a fleeting start, to lasting peace, a world apart
society’s pressures, a constant strain, conformities’ grip, a mental chain
individuality, a rare domain, to stand alone, and feel the pain

[verse 4]
change is constant evermore, a rhythm, a hum
a steady drumbeat in the heart of the unknown
seasons shift, leaves fall, and life keeps on becoming
a tapestry woven with threads of the unforeseen
we chase shadows in the daylight, searching for ground
but the earth beneath us is always turning around
a paradox of being, existing and evolving
the universe expands, our souls start resolving
we cling to moments, like sand through our hands
yearning for permanence in a transient land
growth is a tempest, a hurricane inside
uprooting the familiar, where comfort once resided
we’re creatures of habit, creatures of desire
but change is the wildfire, igniting our pyre
we crave stability, a steady, sure thing
but life’s a rollercoaster, always on the swing
fear of the future, a shadow that looms large
but courage is the compass, guiding our barge
we’re stardust and echoes, echoes of the past
yet, the future’s unwritten, a story to last
we’re shaped by our losses, defined by our gains
the tapestry of life, woven through with pains
and joys, like brushstrokes on a canvas unseen
a masterpiece of existence, a complex machine
we search for meaning, purpose, a reason to be
but perhaps the answer lies in the mystery
of simply existing, breathing, and feeling alive
in a world of constant flux, where souls contrive
to find their place, their purpose, their light
in the endless night sky, a distant, guiding sight
we’re all passengers on this cosmic train
bound for destinations unknown, enduring pain
and pleasure, in equal measure, a bittersweet blend
a symphony of emotions, where stories transcend
the boundaries of time, sp~ce, and the mind
a universe within us, waiting to be defined
we’re fragile and resilient, strong and afraid
a delicate balance, in life’s intricate braid
we long for connection, a touch, a kind word
to feel less alone, less lost, less absurd
but solitude can be a sanctuary, a place to grow
to discover the depths of the soul, to truly know
ourselves, our strengths, our weaknesses, our fears
to confront the shadows, and quiet our tears
change is the catalyst, the spark, the ignite
the force that propels us towards the light
we resist it, we embrace it, we learn to adapt
a dance with the unknown, a challenging act
but in the end, it’s the journey that matters most
the growth, the evolution, the price that’s cost
to become the person we’re meant to be
to live authentically, wild and free
change is constant evermore, a truth we can’t deny
a force of nature, a reason to fly
so let us embrace it, with open hearts and minds
and find beauty in the chaos, the twists and the winds
of this incredible adventure, called lifechange is constant evermore, a rhythm, a hum
a steady drumbeat in the heart of the unknown
seasons shift, leaves fall, and life keeps on becoming
a tapestry woven with threads of the unforeseen
we chase shadows in the daylight, searching for ground
but the earth beneath us is always turning around
a paradox of being, existing and evolving
the universe expands, our souls start resolving
we cling to moments, like sand through our hands
yearning for permanence in a transient land
growth is a tempest, a hurricane inside
uprooting the familiar, where comfort once resided
we’re creatures of habit, creatures of desire
but change is the wildfire, igniting our pyre
we crave stability, a steady, sure thing
but life’s a rollercoaster, always on the swing
fear of the future, a shadow that looms large
but courage is the compass, guiding our barge
we’re stardust and echoes, echoes of the past
yet, the future’s unwritten, a story to last
we’re shaped by our losses, defined by our gains
the tapestry of life, woven through with pains
and joys, like brushstrokes on a canvas unseen
a masterpiece of existence, a complex machine
we search for meaning, purpose, a reason to be
but perhaps the answer lies in the mystery
of simply existing, breathing, and feeling alive
in a world of constant flux, where souls contrive
to find their place, their purpose, their light
in the endless night sky, a distant, guiding sight
we’re all passengers on this cosmic train
bound for destinations unknown, enduring pain
and pleasure, in equal measure, a bittersweet blend
a symphony of emotions, where stories transcend
the boundaries of time, sp~ce, and the mind
a universe within us, waiting to be defined
we’re fragile and resilient, strong and afraid
a delicate balance, in life’s intricate braid
we long for connection, a touch, a kind word
to feel less alone, less lost, less absurd
but solitude can be a sanctuary, a place to grow
to discover the depths of the soul, to truly know
ourselves, our strengths, our weaknesses, our fears
to confront the shadows, and quiet our tears
change is the catalyst, the spark, the ignite
the force that propels us towards the light
we resist it, we embrace it, we learn to adapt
a dance with the unknown, a challenging act
but in the end, it’s the journey that matters most
the growth, the evolution, the price that’s cost
to become the person we’re meant to be
to live authentically, wild and free
change is constant evermore, a truth we can’t deny
a force of nature, a reason to fly
so let us embrace it, with open hearts and minds
and find beauty in the chaos, the twists and the winds
of this incredible adventure, called life

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